Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekly run-down

It's so crazy how time can get away from us. I feel like it was just yesterday that Sam and I were freaking out about how we were probably going to fail out of grad school because all we had been doing day-in and day-out was watching the Olympics. Honestly, I'm still not sure how any of my work got done those two weeks. Anyway, when I looked at my phone today and saw the date, I realized that the Olympics were one month ago. One whole month. Can you believe it?!

I feel like I much too often get so caught up in my daily activities and in mechanically moving through my weekly schedule that I forget to stop to think about all of the things I've experienced, both big and small. So I decided to put together this little run-down of my top 5 favorite things of the week. I've realized this is a popular thing in the blogging world so, why not try it?

1. CND weekly polish. Color: Tropix

I've been waiting since Christmas to get a manicure. Yes, you read that right. Christmas. My mom put a gift certificate for one in my stocking and I finally used it today! The reason I waited so long as because I had gotten a gel manicure a few days before Christmas and when I took it off it made some of my nails so brittle. That never usually happens to me! So, as a result, this one stupid nail kept breaking no matter how well I took care of it. Obviously I didn't want to go get a manicure just for it to be ruined the next day by a broken nail. Anyway, now that all is well I finally made it over to the salon. I planned on getting a regular manicure but when I got there the manicurist introduced me to a new kind of polish that is essentially a cross between regular polish and gel polish. It's made by CND and is a weekly polish that comes off with nail polish remover. No soaking and scraping like gel polish! I'll report back after a week about how the manicure is holding up, but so far so good. It has the shine and finish of gel but the maintenance of regular polish, and its supposed to last a full week without chipping!

2. Restless by Jennie Allen

I have the BIGGEST girl crush on Jennie Allen right now. I'm only about 50 pages into her new book, Restless, but it has already been the biggest blessing. Seriously, she has me on FIRE! When you read this book you'll sit there thinking, "Yes! That's EXACTLY how I feel." What's really cool is that every 30 or so pages there is a guided reflection section so you can really sit and dig deep into what you've just read. Seriously, read it. Because you were made for more. :)

3. unSeminary

This is the blog of one of the Pastors at my church. I love this interview with Sarah Bessey about how her relationship with Jesus made her a feminist. You can watch/listen to the interview or read the transcript here. I just ordered her book and it already came in the mail (thanks to free, two-day shipping with Amazon Student Prime. There's one plus-side of graduate school at least. Hah.) So excited to start reading it after I finish Restless.

4. Amazon Smile

Speaking of Amazon, did you know they just launched AmazonSmile? Now whenever you make a purchase on Amazon, a portion of it can be donated to a charity of your choice. Get started by going to and signing in with your regular Amazon account. It will prompt you to choose a charity by scrolling through their list of popular organizations, or you have the option of searching for a charity of your choice. Then, every time you go to shop on Amazon make sure you type into your browser instead of just to make sure your purchase counts!

5. Stay, by Jimmy Needham feat. Lizi Bailey

Love this song. I needed the reminder this week that there is, in fact, a place where my fears have no voice at all. If clicking below to play doesn't work you can listen here on YouTube or here on Spotify.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for top 5 of the week! Can't wait to read that book, looks so good. Never heard that song either, but I am lovin it!
