Sunday, May 12, 2013

About Us

Sam and Kelly are currently trying to survive grad school and make some sense of this crazy but beautiful world in which we live. 
Unlike many Christian women we both knew growing up, we did not find ourselves living the Christian "dream" of early marriage and quick entry into motherhood. The more modern-day Christian women we meet, the more we realize there are so many more out there like us who are struggling to find purpose in the here and now apart from dreams of one day having a family. So, this blog is an invitation to journey with us as we discover the meaning of womanhood in this oftentimes overwhelming period of life that people keep calling young adulthood.

Now, don't let us fool you. This isn't some serious scholarly blog that's going to analyze Christian feminism or the sociological roles of women in society. We're just doing us, the best we know how. Which will more often than not be some of the most ridiculous, and hilarious (or at least we think so), pieces of writing you've ever read.

More about Sam.
More about Kelly.