Sunday, May 12, 2013

On purpose, reshaped dreams, and not being a mom.

"Are you a mother?"

A simple, well-intentioned question so that this stranger could wish me a Happy Mother's Day if I answered in the affirmative. Yet, those four words struck a chord in me that I had been tirelessly working for months to silence.

"No, I'm not." Through the most genuine smile I could muster I offered, "but Happy Mother's Day to you! Have a wonderful day!" As she caught her rambunctious child's arm and led him out of my classroom with a look on her face that half-pleaded to leave him, my heart longed to be in her place.

When I was still in my single-digit years people frequently asked what I wanted be when I grew up. I'm sure you can identify. My grandma would throw out lofty goals like doctor, scientist who discovers the cure for cancer, best-selling author. You know, the things people suggest when they're trying to teach you how to dream the biggest dreams you can conjure - when they're trying to teach you how to fly. Except that sometimes this leaves you flightless instead.

"A mom," I would firmly respond.

About Us

Sam and Kelly are currently trying to survive grad school and make some sense of this crazy but beautiful world in which we live. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013

