Sunday, February 16, 2014

"There is something in the Olympics, indefinable, springing from the soul, that must be preserved."

It should be of no surprise to anyone who follows me on literally any form of social media or has interacted with me in the past week that I am completely addicted to the Olympic games.  I work it in to practically every conversation, I haven't seen an channel other than an NBC affiliate in over a week, and I recite off facts like I have been studying Olympic athletes and not American Politics for the past year and a half.

There is something that just gets to me every single time.

There is no one reason why I love the Olympics like I do. My overwhelming sense of patriotism aside, I often find myself cheering for other country's athletes, holding my breath for them just as I do for our own champions. Why? Because if the Olympics teaches us anything (although I think it teaches a lot), it is that we are all infallibly human. No country is exempt (except maybe the Netherlands in speed-skating, I mean WHAT is that?). We all have the capacity to be extraordinary, but we are not perfect. We can have perfect moments, perfect ten performances, but we also wobble on our way there. We go right when left would have been better. We step forward when we should have stepped back. To say that sports is the great equalizer is a bit of a stretch given the high cost associated with many of these Olympic events, but in other ways it most certainly is.

This is part of what is commonly known as the "Olympic spirit." The Olympic spirit is evident every day, when athletes from countries time zones apart embrace at a finish line or when a coach steps onto the snow to give a ski to another country's competitor. These things happen because these competitors know how hard it was to get here, because they got there too. They know the struggles and the early mornings. The pain and agony of defeat and the sweet taste of victory.

While many tune in to see their country dominate in a particular sport and follow the medal count like maniacs, we should feel privileged to be a part of this Olympic experience. To see not only superior athleticism, but to see such a pure display of the human condition. It is not just about winning, it is about showing up.

For two weeks, we get to see Olympians from various countries show immense passion and pride in what they do. We hear their stories, too, and we cannot help but be moved. We see their falls and their perseverance, and we can see ourselves in those moments. We are reminded in those moments, both the victories and the defeats, just how human we ALL are. Just how alike we all are, regardless of nationality.

Maybe I have never fallen after attempting a quad or been beaten by .01 seconds by a fellow skier, but I have been down, been counted out, or been just beaten out. I am almost certain you all could say the same. In those moments when your heart stops, and maybe breaks, when you avert your eyes and cringe at what is happening on the screen, when you become filled with overwhelming empathy for someone you've never met, never talked to, or seen outside of a television broadcast; that's all due to the fact that you can feel it because you've been there and my goodness do you know how that hurts. But then they get up, they fight on, the finish and you empathize again because you know that was one of the most important lessons you might ever learn.

In life you're going to crash, sometimes hard, but it's all about how you get back up. One mistake isn't going to define you, as long as you don't let it. (Jeremy Abbott, anyone?)

Overall, the Olympics are 16 days of life lesson after life lesson, all of which we would be foolish not to learn. The best you is possible, you just can never, ever, ever give up. Maybe on February 24 we will remember that we disagree with the politics of a certain country or that a certain country disagrees with us, but for now may we seize this opportunity to stand in awe of, and be inspired by what can be accomplished when we recognize our humanity and use it to pick ourselves and others back up when we fall.

Now, all that being said, I wouldn't be opposed to a few more medals for Team USA!

Clothed in awe, inspiration, and patriotism,


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