Tuesday, June 25, 2013

En el nombre de Jesús

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of to-do lists and emotions as I've been prepping to leave to go to Nicaragua on a clean water trip, or as my devotional last night said, I'm getting ready to "travel with a purpose." Between finishing up projects for work, running around to countless stores to make sure I have everything I need, volunteering at church and Girls On The Run, and then remembering to do things like laundry, eat, and sleep, it's been busy to say the very least.

All week I've been flooded with texts and messages and in-person conversations of "Are you ready?!" "You must be so excited!" "When are you leaving?!" "OMG you leave so soon!" All I could say in response is "I'm so nervous! I don't even know why." 

I honestly didn't know why I was so nervous until last night when I was in the middle of our first pre-trip devotional from Living Water International, the organization that my church partners with to make these trips happen.

They asked, "Do you have any fears or apprehensions about going to a new place?" No, I don't get apprehensive about things like this. I love learning about other cultures, and people and what they love -- mid-sentence my hand stopped writing. I knew why I was nervous.